Download our Treehouse Information Pack

Sign up here to download our treehouse pack, it is all the info you need to make an informed decision for your family.


We have been building treehouses all around Australia since 2013, and with 2 young boys we like to think we know a thing or 2 about what makes a good treehouse. Whether it is positioned in the perfectly forked tree, nestled up next to a good-enough tree, or just sitting up higher for the vistas, treehouses are the stuff childhood dreams are made of. Let us help you build your dream!

Nestled in a tree or up close for all the good treehouse vibes

Castle and Cubby delivered and installed or DIY Kits and phone support

Extra fun features like trapdoors, ladders and pulleys

Australian eco-friendly and sustainable timbers used

All of our cubby designs can be elevated or chat with us about custom design

Natural designs to fit perfectly into nature and your garden

Original Design

At Castle and Cubby we pride ourselves on our originality and dedication to unique designs that are not only functional but are designs you will just love looking out the window to see

Consciously created

We promote using natural untreated timber for outdoor choices. With the right preparation and care there is no reason to introduce chemicals into child's play.

Who we work with

As a small family business with a young family ourselves we choose to work with families and businesses who have respect for nature, for their fellow humans, diversity and inclusivity.


  • Check out our gallery of images here
  • Peruse some of the design options and price points we have - links below
  • Download our info pack below
  • Measure your space and think about budget and style
  • Request a call or Facetime to discuss
  • We will provide a quote ad get you on your way