To DIY or not to DIY- that is the question!
DIY Installation
When the kids see a 'pile of wood' arrive, this is your opportunity to take all the cubby glory!
We have specifically designed our cubby houses to be a pretty easy DIY and we’ve had our instructions designed to be easy to read and easy to follow. After reviewing the instructions, preparing the area and ( yes you’ll need to do a little planning ) your nominated home handyman will be ready to tackle your new cubby assembly.
All of our products are able to be DIY'd, even our treehouses!
Planning for a DIY cubby house
Planning the location of your cubby is not only fun but an important step to ensure the kids will use it and that it lasts a long time!
Please consider our top three points for your new cubby!
Plan the position
The dark back corner of your yard might feel like a good use of dead space, but it's usually not so enticing to kids. A sunny spot close to the home where they can get your attention is a winner.
Consider the weather
If you have the choice, a sunny position in Victoria will be better than a shady damp spot. But in Queensland the shade might be your saviour. Plan for the weather in your location for fun and longevity.
Love thy neighbour
If your cubby is under 2.4m high you can go wild and put it wherever. If you add a fort top, a screaming kid and a birds eye view into your neighbours home, you might have issues.
Get Inspired By DIY'ers
DIY Dad Builds His Daughter Her Dream
Invest in a new Cubby from Castle and Cubby and enjoy watching your kids do life better. It's worth every cent.
The Adventures of Wilde & Blue ...
Two year old Wilde and her beloved Australian working dog Blue and their family recently designed their very own Castle and Cubby play space and they opted for DIY - we love DIYers!