Sensory Play Tables: A Complete Guide to Castle & Cubby's Range

Sensory Play Tables: A Complete Guide to Castle & Cubby's Range

Posted by Kellie Macpherson on

In the world of caring and nurturing our littlies, we understand just how important sensory and exploration play are. Where we come in is creating and building the products that allow you to springboard off from with endless play ideas that allow for curiosity, problem solving, motor skill and cognitive development and SO much more - all with the ease of setting up for these activities and clean up!

We could spend ages gushing about how our clients have LOVED each type of play table but we'll bring you through them and let you be wowed on your own terms!

Exploration & Loose Parts Tables

Timber Sorting Table for Sensory Play

Exploring through nature play is such a favourite amongst adults and children alike in early childhood. Tactile stimulation, promoting creativity and imagination through collecting, feeling, and creating with materials all foraged from our surroundings - what's not to love?

Our Exploration & Loose Parts Tables are your best friend in helping to facilitate open ended play in this realm. Our table top dividers come in various sizes and allow for reconfiguration and sorting of natural materials (think flowers, leaves, sticks, pebbles..). Our clients have had children forage and gather natural materials in their outdoor play area and sort them by material or colour in these dividers, then had them create beautiful collaborative pieces of art on the chalkboard table top.

Outdoor Timber Sensory & Exploration Play Table

These tables come with a small gap around the perimeter to allow drainage and easy clean up when messy play is involved too. Pour a heap of sand on the table and start tracing pictures with little fingers! Get into interactive storytelling and breathe life into spoken word by drawing out scenes with chalk on the table! The possibilities are endless with this versatile and hard-wearing piece of outdoor equipment ๐Ÿ™‚

Nature and Sensory Play Tables - For Outdoors

Drawing Play Tables

Kids Outdoor Blackboard Drawing Table

We all love a chalkboard but let's be honest, big chalkboards can be a challenge for little humans who aren't blessed in the height department (yet!). Our Drawing Tables are perfect for multiple children to be engaging in creative, expressive play by doodling and colouring in.

Keep it fresh every single day by drawing out different scenes - a tiny town, a race car track, a farm, a fruit orchard! Let the children add to it with toy cars, animals or fruit and explore a world of imaginative play - all from a simple chalkboard table.

Arts & Crafts Play Tables

Now here's a table that does it all - with a smooth, waterproof surface and small rounded lip around the table edge so art material doesn't just slide off the edge with little elbows shifting things everywhere.

Painting, making play dough, cutting and pasting...any sticky, messy play really! You can do it all on our Arts & Crafts/Multipurpose Tables. It comes in different sizes and at different heights to accommodate various age ranges too. It's also available in thermory spruce or pine, depending if you want to leave the table outdoors or indoors!

Or... An Outdoor Morning Tea and Snack Table!

Kids at Childcare having morning tea at their timber outdoor table

Whatever your needs are, you'll be sure to find a table that suits. If not, know you can ALWAYS give us a ring to chat and brainstorm with us on what could be the next amazing thing to add to your school's play space! We're your early learning partner for many reasons ๐Ÿ™‚

Shop our Ranges!

Exploration Tables

Drawing Tables

Art & Crafts Tables

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